I am amazed to see the efficiency of your website concept and contents management. I have never seen such a flexible and convivial as yours. To my great suprise my website is completely bilingual and I did everything by myself without any programing knowledge. It is about time that we can take advantage of such a serious and conscientious company as yours. Congratulations for this excellent work, I make it a point to give you as much publicity as I can. We care about you and your wonderful management tools. I have experienced ConneXion. It is very efficient and rewarding for the broker who wishes to offer a large listing range or who only has a few properties for sale, and very efficient for the agency who wants to sell his properties fast.
Monique Beaufort
Real Estate Broker
Groupe Sutton Immobilia
Outremont (Qc)
It has been nearly one year since I own my website and I am delighted with the self-managed contents system. I knew absolutely nothing about computers but I received a very good technical support, I greatly appreciate the advise I was given and the all time support I received eventhough it did not always concern my website but rather computer technology in general. I already use the customer management module integrated to my website manager and I think it is wonderful that I don't need to go from one software to another continuously. With the new DynaSimple system it is even more wonderful, when I have a new listing from the Real Estate Board, the new client info is done automatically so less work for me and more time to sell.
Thank you again and please don't stop the good work, we need these wonderful work tools.
Gratien Dubé
Chartered Real Estate Broker
Première Classe Inc.
Ste-Foy (Qc)
It is my first experience with a dynamic website and I have absolutely no regrets. I have never worked with someone as understanding and patient. I have all the support I need and more than I expected from a distant company. I sell a lot of de-luxe condos to Americanx and Europeans. My website helps me a great deal in my business. The new SIA listing dymanisation system, DynaList, will play an important role in my life and that of many agencies and real estate brokers throughout the world. Congratulations and Bravo for this great initiative.
Robert Ratelle
Chartered Real Estate broker
Le Permanent des Laurentides
St-Jérôme (Qc)
I wish to thank you for all the help and technical support you have given me during the construction of our website. I really appreciate the data transfer from the Real Estate Board. I don't loose any time entering my listings one by one. I did not use half of the services I am entitled to so far but will get to it. I want to use the new ConneXion system, I find that this is the best way to expand at not cost.
Keep the good work, we need people like you in the industry.
Yvon Larose
Chartered Real Estate broker
Larose Immobilier
Drummondville (Qc)
I am a self-employed independant broker since February 2004 and I really appreciate my website with the contents management. For a small agency it is very useful and not expensive. I enter all my listings manually, without using the data transfer from the Real Estate Board. I find it more practical to control my listings by myself. The new ConneXion system seems revolutionary and I will definitely use it. It allows me to expand without fees, which means that tomorrow, I can have 30 or 50 brokers who work with me to sell my listings, it is very exciting!